Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rifflandia, you have hurt me

but only my head, not my heart.

a rambling weekend of music, which gets to be addictive after a while, so that it seems strange to not have it playing all the time.
FGI actually advertised with rifflandia, just a small package, but it's made me really happy to support a local event that so many people turned out for.
-luminara failed to happen because of a freak lightning and rain storm this year- right at sundown. weirdest thing-
so i finally got my crowd fix- even if it was mostly college kids. luckily i'm old now and can convince myself and others of one of two things, situation depending: 
1. "I'm too old for this shit!"
2."I was born in this town!".
-sometimes throw a "for fucks sakes" on that last one for extra emphasis.

best venue by far was M2. and since i'm both clearly too old for this shit and was born in this town (and because the security guy could tell i was a runner), i managed to get myself into the vip area. which was (clearly) the place to be. local 'industry' people (gag...wait, i am one?), free grey goose, leather couches, and jeffy mitchell! he went with a bigger advert so he got a vip wirstband. well played, except that none of his friends did, because they either don't have jobs or he's their boss. 

and that's the weekend update. which has been long coming because i'm also too old for this shit.

oh, what, you've nodded off?
here, look at our new skirt. it's a vintage wool blend jersey, lined with a slip, lace trim and leather triangle at the back slit. you need one. so come n' get it.

and a shot from outside the store... fall, looking at swans.

and some new cushion covers being made...

and a visit from this guy who, shockingly, went straight for the headbands...

and with that sweet image of my friend Conan the boutique barbarian, i bid you zzzzz...
and xo too.

Friday, September 25, 2009

pardon, my apologies.

i'm afraid i just wrote an intense and mysterious post. 

it was all like this:
and like this:
when it should have been like this:

with just a hint of this:

for good measure.

because 'where we're from the birds sing a song and there's always music in the air'.

The Spoils

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the newest in new

prints by nick robins for FGI
if i died and people were listing my assets they would now include not 1, but 2 dryers.
eating rice= too soon. discovered the hard way @ indian buffet. not pretty.

the truth is, it's friday night and victoria has left me zzzzzzz. and i didn't really bother trying. the social relationship i have with this town is such a damn shame. new things happen and everyone lights up. but boredom sets in quickly, events don't change and eventually everyone stares at each other again. why is victoria like this? is it a numbers game? that given enough time we will know one another, all too well?

well, my work here is clearly done.

Friday, September 18, 2009

the romance languages

spanish, french, italian, portuguese, catalan, romanian.

and karen o looks like both of us.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

two games for you,

to pass the day away.

1. mummify it.

2. which wolf is which?

(prizes available reflect the lameness of the games. especially #2. sorry.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

deep throat

not for a while i won't.

and that's Dr. Angie's diagnosis for today.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

old and english

in honor of september 14 may i present...

my favorite quotes from noah macnayr:
"no, it's cool. it's old english"
"their hash browns are like a cat pissed on deep fried wig"
"i'm gonna strangle you until we both pass out, you little slut"*
*(never actually happened. can you even imagine?)


they're beautiful.
they're sharp.
and i'm projecting.
welcome to my new 'educate myself into being a snob' heritage rose project. bought some cheap hybrid teas for the front of the house ('savoy hotel' and 'big purple', he's big). planning a private collection for the backyard of old china, damask and bourbons. to remind me of hillhouse. 
we had an old man neighbour when i was growing up who claimed that the secret to growing great roses was planting a fish head under each bush.


listening to 'Let It Be'. all the time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

to show you.

see i have something to show you. because i think of you, and then sometimes i think of it. and then i always think about how there's a current of truth and beauty in life. in general.

and i know it seems obvious that i would make a connection between you and a teepee, but it actually has more to do with faith and simplicity.

it's a stick and poke that cam did on nick's forearm.
(and you can see more if you go to flickr and look up cameron kidd)

Fair Dinkum

chris actually said this the other day. it's auzzie slang, i think... but seriously, who besides them, and my mom, and chris actually say 'fair dinkum'?

luckily (?) andy was there, so now it can be a thing.
along with:
'you've got me over a barrel'
'that dog'll hunt'
and the old stand by,
'you are one'.
which is true.

we've got chris and christina's wedding this weekend. found what might end up being the perfect little outfit. another see through summer dress for me- a sweet laura ashley number, so i don't look like a sloot? like 'oh, i didn't notice this prairie girl dress was so sheer you can see my belly button, shame on you for looking'. sexual politicking is fun for me! with sling backs and a nice lady belt, cover up those face bruises and hang on chris' arm. and if shit goes sideways i will take off the shoes, uncover the bruises and sit in the dirt. that's a versatile outfit.

i need some female friends.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

4:30 am. nothing new.

although it seems unreasonable to expect sleep when there is such a feast to behold.

did i mention i might be starving to death?
soup, in all it's forms. every vegetable you can mash. ice cream. a rainbow of smoothies. 
now can i be BORED?

here's what i would like to eat:
1. something from a drive thru. not wendy's. don't like wendy.
2. something very spicy. with rice. tiny rice.
3. muesli. 
4. popcorn, lots.
5. a giant salad. rebar salad. feta. both dressings. this should actually be #1...

... but i'm lazy, because i'm hungry, so we're skipping re-writes.

lazy blog.

so goodnight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

you have things to say

and so do i. but first i have to eat some mashed foods, so enjoy a tour of my bruises.