Sunday, September 13, 2009

old and english

in honor of september 14 may i present...

my favorite quotes from noah macnayr:
"no, it's cool. it's old english"
"their hash browns are like a cat pissed on deep fried wig"
"i'm gonna strangle you until we both pass out, you little slut"*
*(never actually happened. can you even imagine?)


they're beautiful.
they're sharp.
and i'm projecting.
welcome to my new 'educate myself into being a snob' heritage rose project. bought some cheap hybrid teas for the front of the house ('savoy hotel' and 'big purple', he's big). planning a private collection for the backyard of old china, damask and bourbons. to remind me of hillhouse. 
we had an old man neighbour when i was growing up who claimed that the secret to growing great roses was planting a fish head under each bush.


listening to 'Let It Be'. all the time.

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